Blog Post Photo. Recommending Victoria De Maio's Book on Travel Tips.

Are You Travelling To Italy?

This is my very first book review and I have a great reason for that! I have a high regard for Victoria De Maio’s travel knowledge and she has written her first book, “Victoria’s Travel TipZ Italian Style” which I am delighted to recommend to you.

Victoria’s humour filled personal experiences, expertise and tips make a great guide that will really help you have a dream trip, one to remember, share and treasure! Once you’ve read the book, you will be well equipped with all sorts of “practical, no-nonsense advice” that will help you avoid unpleasant surprises! We all know there are always surprises but that’s what travel is about, even if it can be a frustrating one like pre-ordering a vehicle well ahead of your trip, to be picked up in Florence, only to find, upon arrival at the car rental place that “there is no car for you.” Trust me, this is from personal experience! But that stuff happens and it’s how you choose to deal with it (other than crying), that becomes part of your “journey.”

I wish Victoria had written her “how-to-do-Italy” in 2007 before our first trip to Italy! Although it’s written with a focus on American travellers, I think it would be welcome reading by pretty much anyone wishing to travel in Italy. Before we set foot on Italian soil we had read an awful lot of stories written by ex-pats who had given up the North American lifestyle for the “simpler” life of Italy…or so they thought! And we had read all sorts of stuff on-line as well, and of course devoured Frommer’s guide books like crazy, so we had a fairly good idea about a lot of things a traveler in Italy might encounter, but her “Travel TipZ” would have given us even more insight.

Ten chapters contain loads of valuable information, from my favourite, “Eating: Food Rules” which may sound unimportant….but it’s not! Victoria’s advice is well worth paying attention to! P.S. please don’t be the tourist who insists on ordering olive oil and balsamic vinegar to dip your bread into…it’s simply, not part of the food culture or at least in non-touristy places! “Seeing Italy’s Sites”, (or the best ways to see them) “Getting Around” (on foot, transit or driving), “Connecting & Communicating”, (knowing how to contact, say, the police or an ambulance), “Spending or Shopping” (one tip being stuff that you can and can’t bring home) and “Safety & Well-Being” (tips like making sure you have photocopies of all your documents stashed somewhere safe and also given to someone at home, avoiding pick-pockets and much more). There’s an Appendix that includes some key Italian phrases, numbers up to ten and knowing how to say “left”, “right” or “straight ahead.”

P.S.: We have made four trips to Italy and are planning our fifth in the fall of 2015, so we can be included in the “well-hooked on Italy” group and “Travel TipZ” will be joining us on this trip!

Victoria’s “Travel TipZ” is the perfect size to tuck away in your carry-on bag or to carry with you while walking around. Buy the book…you won’t regret it…available through for downloading into Kindle or available as a hard copy.

Helpful link to Victoria’s terrific blog, that’s well worth a visit or two! Click here to view.



  1. Grazie Phyllis!

    I’m honored and thrilled to be your very first book review! Yippee! And I’m especially pleased that you, as a seasoned Italy traveler, find many of the tips to be useful.
    It was our mutual love for Italy that connected us and it’s our mutual passion that will keep us connected and, hopefully, toasting in Italy (Puglia?) one day soon!

    My sincerest, heartfelt thanks for our long distance friendship, for your support and for your wonderful review and testimonial!

    Con abbracci x million!

    • Prego Victoria!
      There would be nothing I would like better than to toast each other in Italy…keeping my fingers crossed that it will be this year!
      Having a friendship with people who share the same passions as you do is a wonderful thing and something I am ever grateful for, even if long distance!

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