Blog Post Photo, Veal Breast For Roasting

Dem Bones

It’s the trendy thing these days that’s good for you and I’m not talking kale! It’s… the envelope please “Bone Broth”…that’s right, it all begins with bones, roasted then simmered with water, veggies and a bit of apple cider vinegar, for hours and hours.

Bone broth has long been used in cultures all over the world including Chinese medicine and probably by your grandmother, as a fortifying food, especially when ill. It’s a good way to pack a lot of nutrients into the body when someone is unable to have heavier food. It might just be the original comfort food. Italians serve angel hair pasta in brodo. Sign me up for a bowl of that kind of comfort!

Remember English Beef Tea, that stuff made from Bovril…well you can forget about it! It’s “Bone Broth” all the way!

If made with high quality bones, from organic or grass-fed animals, the broth contains nutrients including fats, vitamins, minerals, collagen and keratin in an easily digestible form. But the bones have to come from a healthy animal if it’s going to provide you with these nutrients, not from animals subjected to antibiotics and hormones.

And the health benefits….OMG what a list: as an inflammatory, for healthy hair, nails and skin, digestive healing, cold-flu immunity (I wonder, does this mean we can dispense with those annual flu shots), sleep and memory (folks in seniors care facilities should be drinking this by the bucketful) and lastly, bone health…wow…

I’m sure that if you Google availability in your city you’ll be able to find ready made.   Or take yourself to a great butcher, then get out that roasting pan and your big stock pot, this stuff has got it all!  Or if you’re lucky that butcher may stock bone broth so you don’t need to bother.



  1. Very interesting, Phyllis…especially when you remember that “back in the day” when nothing was wasted, this wasn’t a trend.
    Love all the info! TY

    • Exactly Victoria…all this trendy stuff…been there done that…but then newbies are discovering, so I guess that’s good. Kinda like mid-century modern!

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