Blog Post Photo Ravenhill Herb Farm

Writers In The Kitchen

I like to pick up a copy of EAT MAGAZINE and read about new happenings in the foodie world, from restaurant openings to farms.

So, it came as quite a shock when going through the July/August 2011 issue to read of the passing of a favorite author of mine. I first became aware of Noel Richardson’s stories in the now defunct City Food magazine. I was enchanted with her descriptions of life on Ravenhill Farm. Noel also wrote several books including “Life at Ravenhill” Farm and “Summer Delights.”

We were fortunate to have had the pleasure of meeting Noel at her farm, on Vancouver Island in Saanich, on two occasions and to have her autograph two of her books I had just bought. I treasure them even more now.

The stories are delightful and I would highly recommend them if you have not already read them. And even if you have, they are a pleasure to re-read and savor.

I will miss her stories.

In one of her articles, Noel mentioned an author by the name of Laurie Colwin. Laurie wrote articles for Gourmet magazine for a number of years and I always looked forward to receiving my next edition of Gourmet so I could read her latest story. One month upon opening up my new Gourmet, instead of a new story by Laurie, there was a tribute letting readers know that she had passed away. Her stories are charming and heartwarming and she wrote a number of books that you may wish to search for.  Google her name to find a list of her publications.

Both these woman left a wonderful legacy to us and they really touched me personally.

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