Blog Post Photo, Search for Perfection & Rhubarb Pie

The Search For Perfection

With all the fruit now appearing at the Farmer’s Market, it’s pie making time! Plums, apples, blueberries and more!

Years ago, when I had just moved into my own place, I decided that it was time for me to make a blueberry pie. Well, why not. I had been successfully cooking things since I was 11 or 12 and how could this be any different?

I got out the new little cookbook I had bought at the grocery store and plunged in. What a disaster. The dough would not co-operate and I was facing failure. This was not good for my ego!

I did the only thing I could and phoned my mother and explained/complained that I was a pastry making failure. Mom came to the rescue and not only soothed me but gave me her recipe for pie crust. Mom, being the “queen” of pie making, (I’m not kidding, the whole family thought so), I thought I should give it a try. SUCCESS!  Ego was now in recovery mode!

Not long after I met my husband, we went to visit my parents. Mom had baked a pie for dessert. He was blown away by her pie, especially the crust. Over the years, whenever I baked a pie, his comments were “this is really great pie crust but your Mom’s pies are still the best”. OK, no hard feelings, I’ll just accept that hers are the best.

I have inherited Mom’s rolling pin. It feels so good holding it and putting my hands where hers were for all those years.

My brother joined us for dinner one day so I decided to bake a pie for dessert. I rolled out my crust using Mom’s rolling pin. They both said this pie was the best I had ever made and it “was just like Mom’s”. Did the rolling pin have special magic or was Mom channeling through her rolling pin? I can’t argue with that because the spell is still working.

Helpful link to Making Pie Dough.


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