Bunch of Carrots for Creamed Carrot Soup with Cilantro

“Creamed” Carrot Soup With Cilantro

I think this is not only a beautiful tasting soup but is smooth, creamy, with an absolutely gorgeous colour.

If you don’t like cilantro, you can substitute it with parsley. You will be missing the boost of exotic flavor though! The great thing about having Farmer’s Markets is the availability of wonderful, sweet carrots from the end of summer until the end of winter.  I think it would make a wonderful first course soup, followed perhaps by a main course of chicken or fish.

Makes 8 Servings

2 Tbsp. butter
1 onion, chopped
2 lbs. carrots, cut into 1/2″ dice
4 Tbsp. unbleached flour
3 cups chicken stock** or low salt chicken broth
1 bay leaf
3 Tbsp. chopped fresh cilantro or flat-leaf parsley
3 cups water
2 cups homogenized milk, not low fat (or use half and half)
1 tsp. salt or to taste
½ tsp. pepper

In a large pot, melt the butter over medium heat; cook the onion for about 5 minutes or until softened. Add the carrots; cook, covered, for about 15 minutes or until softened. Sprinkle with the flour; stir until well blended. Add the stock and the water to the pot, along with the bay leaf and 2 Tbsp. cilantro, cook, uncovered, for 15 – 20 minutes or until carrots are tender. Remove bay leaf and discard. Cool the mixture for 20 minutes; then in a blender or food processor; puree until smooth. Return to the pot; stir in the milk, salt and pepper. Cook on low heat just until heated through. Don’t allow to boil as the milk will curdle. Garnish with the remaining cilantro.

Note: For safety reasons, please do not try to puree hot liquids as you could have a mishap.

**Helpful link to make your own stock.  Making Stock.


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