Sieglinde Potato Salad, Lemon Mustard Vinaigrette, Green Onions

New Potato Salad With Lemon Vinaigrette

Here’s a really lovely potato salad made with little, new-crop  potatoes.  My personal favourite potatoes to use in this salad are Sieglinde.  I think the lemon dressing adds such a terrific brightness to the potatoes.

Makes 4 – 6 Servings

2 lbs. small new potatoes, unpeeled, Siegelinde
1 tsp. lemon rind, finely grated
2 Tbsp. fresh lemon juice
1 ½ tsp. stoneground Dijon mustard
2 garlic cloves, minced
¼ tsp. salt
¼ tsp. freshly ground black pepper
3 Tbsp. EVO
2 Tbsp. fresh chives, chopped or an equal amount of young green onions

Scrub potatoes and leave whole. In a pot containing a couple of inches of boiling water salted water, cook the potatoes, covered for 12 to 15 minutes. Cook potatoes until just tender when pierced with a thin metal skewer. Drain potatoes and place in a large bowl. When cool enough to handle, cut the potatoes in half lengthwise, so they can absorb the dressing.  I think they look really nice this way.


In a small bowl, whisk together lemon rind, lemon juice, mustard, garlic, salt and pepper until smooth. Slowly whisk in the EVO. Add the chives, drizzle over the still warm potatoes; toss. Season to taste with salt and pepper. Serve at room temperature or even slightly warm.



  1. Wow… A much lighter and different flavor potato salad than the usual mayonnaise and egg dressing…love this one, Thanks for this recipe! It’s a keeper 🙂

    • I agree Mary Ann…and it goes with so many things! If you can get some locally grown potatoes it’s worth it for this salad!

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