Blog Post Photo, Herbs Sprouting

New Greens And More

It’s official, winter’s over and time to get those seeds and begin planting!

Growing your own arugula is very satisfying. It’s like magic! Simply seed directly in the garden or plant in a planter on a patio or balcony. Mix together some potting soil, some sea soil then plant the seeds. Water lightly. In no time at all you will be rewarded with fresh arugula and when you pinch off the leaves to use, they will come back again. You can keep things going by sowing arugula seeds, in new containers, every few weeks for a steady supply all summer and fall! My arugula actually made it through last winter and is coming along very nicely!

You can grow different types of lettuce in the same way. Last year I had both lettuce and arugula going all summer and it was just wonderful to go out the back door and gather a salad! This year I am trying out Little Gem lettuce but being crazy for lettuce, I better buy those mixed lettuce seeds that includes red lettuce.

If you are a basil lover and quite frankly, who isn’t, get yourself some seeds, plant them in pots using  a nice, rich potting soil mixed with a little sea soil.   Place pots in a sunny spot and pretty soon, up they will come. I always throw in too many seeds, then have to remove the extras. little seedlings.  There’s good news though, I wash the little basil sprouts and add to a salad or toss them onto pasta as a garnish!

All you need now is a cherry tomato plant and you’re ready to rock…umm…cherry tomatoes warmed by the sun anyone? Not sure one will do the trick though! Our absolute, hands-down favourite are Sun Golds, so sweet, so perfect!

Happy gardening and happy harvest!




  1. You just got me really excited. I am going to join a community garden in May & then grow some things at the cottage too. Didn’t realize arugula was that easy, so can’t wait to try that. What do you do with the seeds in the jar, this novice needs a more depth explanation 🙂
    Love your blog!!!!!!!

    • Youre question “what do you do with the seeds in the jar”. What?? Checked the blog and did not see that, so can you explain what you want to know? Glad your getting the bug, it’s really gives a sense of satisfaction to see what you plant come up. Cheers, P

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