Author: Phyllis

Blog Post Photo, The Crown Tavern, Clerkenwell, London, England
My Stories

Kudos Or Not, London, Part 2

If you happen to be in East London or Canterbury check out the Crown and Deeson’s.  We liked them both a lot.  They both serve well cooked English food, using local ingredients. One sunny morning, we headed to Smithfield and Clerkenwell, to have a wander and find a pub to have a nice lunch. The […]

Blog Photo Post, The Full English, No Beans London, England
My Stories

Kudos or Not, London, Part 1

We have never claimed to be restaurant critics! However, as the saying goes, we know what we like, so here are four restaurants/pubs that we would recommend if you are in London. We enjoyed two visits to the Harwood Arms. They‘re the only gastropub in London to have a Michelin star and are known for […]

Blog Post Photo, Bolognese Sauce on Tagliatelle
My Stories

About Bolognese Sauce

I am not a Bolognese Sauce snob, really!  Here’s a little crash course on the sauce in question. There are many ideas on how to make a “proper” Bolognese sauce and the “correct” pasta to be used. Firstly, the sauce is a rather refined and delicate one. However, over time, it has become rather corrupted. […]

Blog Post Photo, Lunch Pigneto, Rome, Italy
My Stories

Our Visit To Pigneto

On a gorgeous, sunny morning we decided to visit the Vatican. No tickets, no plans on going in but who knows? It was a few days after Easter and when we got to St. Peter’s Square, it was jammed. So, we sat at the base of a column looking at all the statues, and other […]

Blog Post Photo, Eating Fish & Chips, London, England
My Stories

Fish ‘N Chips, London

When you go to the UK there are so many delicious and outstanding edibles to be sampled.  And we really want to sample as much as we can. But just because we’re food people, doesn’t mean that we can’t appreciate what might be considered old-school, but it has to be really well done. Consider the […]

Blog Post Photo Joe, Glass of Wine, Trafalgar Square
My Stories

Food Networks Are Everywhere

One of the things we find absolutely fascinating once when we stagger back to our rented flat/home after a day of sightseeing, museum or gallery visits, etc. and after we’ve poured ourselves a large glass of wine, is to relax with a favourite guilty pleasure; watching local cooking shows. It’s amazing how much one learns […]

Blog Post Photo, Phyllis Checking Show
My Stories

Poo On My Shoe

I know, you’re thinking, here she goes again with another one of those rants! It’s just not right. It seems that almost everyone owns a dog or two these days and good on them. My problem is those owners who refuse to pick up their refuse! Do you think it’s fair that they should walk […]

Blog Post Photo. Song Blame it on my Youth
My Stories

Haunted By A Song

Just heard that song again! I used to babysit for a couple who were able to get the Jack Paar show on their TV. As we were unable to receive it at our house, I looked forward to babysitting their children and having the chance to watch the Paar show and see the famous, infamous […]

Blog Post Photo of St. Bartholomew's Church in London, England
My Stories

St. Bart’s

It’s one of the “ Treasures” of London. We thought that a visit to Smithfield was in order. First on our list, St.Bartholomew-The-Great. It claims to be either the oldest church or one of the oldest churches in London founded in 1123. St. Bart’s is really special. It’s charming and we loved it!  The church […]

Blog Post Photo Ravenhill Herb Farm
My Stories

Writers In The Kitchen

I like to pick up a copy of EAT MAGAZINE and read about new happenings in the foodie world, from restaurant openings to farms. So, it came as quite a shock when going through the July/August 2011 issue to read of the passing of a favorite author of mine. I first became aware of Noel […]