My Stories

Blog Post Photo, Beginning to Make Soup
My Stories

“Scrap” Soup

Or…what do you do when you walk into the butcher shop and staring back at you is a great deal on pork neck bones? My chef/neighbour knows exactly what to do and has been making pork broth for Asian noodle soups for her restaurant and who doesn’t love noodle soup? So we too follow her […]

Blog Post Photo Red Transistor Radio
My Stories

Radio Kids

Being a child of the ‘50’s and ‘60’s, I grew up on radio. I remember distinctly when transistor radios were the hot new technology and us teens just had to have one glued to our ears…remember when there were no ear buds? Yup!! My San Diego cousin and I would mail our favourite radio station’s […]

Blog Post Photo, Christmas Baking, Shortbread with Cherry Garnish
My Stories

What Will There Be This Year?

Today is the big day the Christmas cake I make every year for my San Diego cousin has just been mailed off to him! Fingers crossed it arrives safely, or should I say all in one piece, in a few days! And this now to write my list of what Christmas baking I’m going to […]

Sharon's New Kitchen Aid Pasta Attachment, Making Tagliatelle
My Stories

A New Toy!

The the spring of 1986 brought with it a nice income tax return in my hot little hands and I knew exactly where I was going to spend it! Back in the day, Kitchen Aid stand mixers were not as easily found as they are now and once I did a bit of leg-work, I […]

Blog Post Photo, Il Frutteto Italian Soap display
My Stories

Why I Love Italian Packaging

Italians can’t seem to help themselves when it comes to packaging their products! It’s a design thing! I promised myself when we were in Italy a few months ago, there was no way we were hauling home dried pasta! But one day, near the end of our 2 week stay in Roma, we went to […]

Blog Post Photo, Search for Perfection & Rhubarb Pie
My Stories

The Search For Perfection

With all the fruit now appearing at the Farmer’s Market, it’s pie making time! Plums, apples, blueberries and more! Years ago, when I had just moved into my own place, I decided that it was time for me to make a blueberry pie. Well, why not. I had been successfully cooking things since I was […]

Blog Photo Post Laurie Colwin's Tomato Pie and Changes I Made
My Stories

Laurie Colwin’s Tomato Pie

Not too long ago my facebook friend Roz Coreri Paige posted that she had won a contest for her Italian style tomato pie, which brought to mind Laurie Colwin’s Tomato Pie that I have wanted to make for I can’t tell you how long, I just never quite got there! So I searched through my […]

Blog Photo Post, Showing The Last Touch, Gourmet Magazine Cover
My Stories

Gone But Not Forgotten!

As I write this I am looking at my pristine final issue of “Gourmet” the Magazine of Good Living from November 2009. And per usual, a crispy, brown roast turkey is on the front cover in time for American Thanksgiving tables. If you think I have come late to the party, well you might be right! This […]

Blog Post Photo, Trout Lake Farmers Market
My Stories

Off To The Market

To quote Mother Goose: “To market, to market, to buy a fat pig, Home again, home again, dancing a jig; To market, to market, to buy a fat hog; Home again, home again, jiggety-jog; To market, to market, to buy a plum bun, Home again, home again, market is done.” OK…so we neither bought the […]

Blog Photo Post Balcony Lunch View of Piazza in Greve, Chianti, Italy
My Stories


If you drive the SR222 Highway in Chianti, aka Strada Regionale Chiantigiana, there’s much to discover along the way! We were introduced to Greve in Chianti in 2007, on our first trip to Tuscany where we rented a house nearby, and have returned many times since. Greve in Chianti is often considered the entrance gate […]