Good Things to Know

Good Things to Know

How To Make Croutons

I don’t know about you but boy, do I ever hate those sale nasty bought croutons!  I’m that person who, in a restaurant picks them off unless I know they are made in-house. For some reason, I never bothered making my onw because I thought they would be like the store-bought ones.  That changed one […]

Coloured Eggs, Good Things to Know
Good Things to Know

How To Hardboil Eggs

I know, I know, everyone has their method.  This is the way my Mother always did them and the way I do them…no dark rings around the yolks here!  And I’ve cooked a lot of hardboiled eggs in my previous life as a corporate chef, a lot! Place “large” fresh eggs in a pot of […]

Good Things to Know

Pre-Soaking Beans

  Using this method means no soaking overnight. There’s a theory that if you do soak overnight; fermentation begins to take place, hence stomach issues can arise.  Since finding this method, I never soak overnight.  Sometimes you just don’t know “what’s for dinner?” the day before! To Quick “Presoak” the Beans: Place the beans in […]

Good Things to Know

How To Make Creme Fraiche

So much more economical than paying $5.00 for a tiny bit of crème fraiche. You can use any leftovers (if you have any!) for making a pan sauce for chicken or pork chops or whatever else takes your fancy.  Experiment using in other ways too, enjoy! Combine in a jar, 1 cup whipping cream and […]