Salads, Soups and And Sandwiches

Curried Rice Salad, Yellow Plate, Japanese Yellow & White Bowl with Cashews
Salads, Soups and And Sandwiches

Curried Rice Salad

In the mood for something with the flavour or curry?  Then this salad is for you!  We barbecued some chicken wings to have with it…delicious!  And it would be a good thing to take to a barbecue! You can add cooked barbecued chicken or other proteins to make it a main course salad. Makes Approximately […]

Assorted Green, Yellow & Purple Beans, Draining in Colander
Salads, Soups and And Sandwiches

Fresh Bean Salad

  When beans are in season, either your own home grown, or bought at your local farmer’s markets, it’s the perfect time to make this salad! A very tasty side dish! Dress the beans with the vinaigrette just before serving so the beans will retain their bright colour! Makes Approximately 6 Servings 1 ½ lbs. […]

Turkey Gumbo Soup with Okra
Salads, Soups and And Sandwiches

Turkey Gumbo Soup

Guess what I found while rummaging around in my freezer?  You guessed it, the carcass from the roast turkey!  Some don’t like okra; I don’t happen to be one of them! If you don’t have a turkey carcass, simply buy turkey drumsticks and wings and follow my instructions on How To Make Stock. I find it […]