Picking Dried Herbs off Stems

Chinese Five-Spice Powder

This is a spice mix I always keep on hand…it’s wonderfully aromatic!

Makes approx. ¼ cup

1 Tbsp. Szechewan peppercorns (see note below)
8 star anise(see note below)
6 whole cloves
1 – 1 ½” piece cinnamon stick, crushed coarse
1 Tbsp. fennel seeds

Equipment: electric spice or coffee grinder (used solely for grinding spices)

In a jelly-roll pan combine the spices, toast the mixture in a preheated 250 F oven for 20 minutes. Let cool to room temperature. In an electric spice or coffee grinder pulverize the mixture. If necessary (if there are large pieces) strain through a sieve into a bowl.

Spice mixture will keep in a tightly sealed jar in a cool, dark place for some time. Discard if no fragrance remains.

You should be able to find the peppercorns and star anise quite readily in the Asian section of your supermarket. If not, a specialty/Asian food shop would be a good bet. 



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