Butternut Squash Soup

Butternut Squash Soup

‘Tis the season, for butternut squash that is! A lovely soup flavoured with sage and completely dairy free and vegetarian if you choose. Normally I serve this soup as a “starter” for a dinner but it would make a great lunch with perhaps a turkey (again, ‘tis the season) salad sandwich made with finely chopped apples, celery and dried cranberries.

Makes 4 Servings

¼ cup EVOO
1 onion, minced
1 leek, halved & thinly sliced
2 lbs. butternut squash
4 cups chicken or vegetable stock
2 fresh sage leaves, chopped fine
1 sprig of fresh thyme, leaves removed
Salt & freshly ground black pepper to taste

Heat a large pot over med-low heat and sauté the onions and leeks in the EVOO. Peel, seed and cube the squash. Add to the vegetables, stock and salt, simmer until squash is tender. Allow the soup to cool for 20 minutes or so, then puree the vegetables in a blender or food processor. Heat until boiling, thinning with more stock if necessary,  then simmer for 15 minutes with sage leaves, thyme, salt and pepper. Serve very hot.

Note: The suggestion to cool the mixture before attempting to puree is for safety reasons. If you try and blend hot liquids the lid of the blender can “blow” off and you will be covered in very hot soup! I also find that a blender makes a finer puree than a processor. Use the machine of your choice!



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