Baked Loaf of Food Processor Brioche

Food Processor Brioche

I adore brioche. There are croissants and then there’s brioche! If you are a little wary of baking with yeast, this dough is for you, all that’s required is a food processor. Brioche is a sweet dough and is wonderful lightly toasted with jam or whatever you choose. I made a delicious shrimp salad sandwich on toasted slices of brioche; yum, yum! For Easter brunch, I’ll use toasted slices as the base for eggs benny. The brioche is really easy and comes together in a few minutes…really!

Makes 1- 9 x 5 x 3” Loaf

1 envelope (2 ¼ tsp.) traditional yeast (not quick rising)
1 Tbsp. sugar
¼ cup warm water
2 cups unbleached flour
¾ tsp. salt
½ cup unsalted cold butter, cut into ½” cubes & frozen
2 large eggs, beaten

Egg Wash: 1 large egg beaten with 1 tsp. cold water

Dissolve the yeast & sugar in the warm water; let proof 10 minutes (it should look foamy and creamy). If not let it proof a bit longer. If it does nothing, the yeast is too old, discard and start again with fresh yeast.

Helpful tip: I store my yeast in the freezer and it keeps for a really long time.

Combine the flour and salt in the bowl of a food processor using a couple of on/off turns; add the cubes of frozen butter, process for 20 – 25 seconds until the butter is in small pieces. Whisk the eggs together, set aside. With the machine running; add the yeast mixture through the feed tube until combined; then the eggs for 15 seconds or until dough forms a ball. With the machine still running, time the “kneading” for 2 minutes. Hold onto the machine or it might take off! Turn the dough into a well-buttered medium sized bowl, forming into a ball, turning over to make sure the top is lightly greased with the butter; cover with plastic wrap, let rise in a warm place for 1 ½ to 2 hours.

Relax,  vacuum or read a book!

When the dough has doubled in size and looks sort of light and fluffy, it’s ready for the next step.

Preheat the oven to 375 F.

Punch the dough down and fold the edges into the middle; shape into a ball.  On a clean, lightly floured surface, press into a rectangle; roll the dough up tightly, like a jelly roll, tucking the ends under a bit, then place in a well-greased loaf pan. Brush lightly with the egg wash, making sure to cover the entire top surface with egg wash. (I usually brush it on one way, then the other way). Place in the oven and bake for 30 – 35 minutes until all shiny and golden brown! You’ll be so proud of your brioche.

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