Blog Post Photo, Ramps

Ramp (Wild Leek) Tart

Ramps aka wild leeks/wild garlic, grow wild in the Northeast and Midwest of Canada and all the way down the U.S., into the Appalachians.  They are a treasure only found in the spring.  Only occasionally have I seen ramps that have been foraged, at our Farmer’s Market.   They have a slight garlic flavour to them and are incredibly good.  If you are unable to find them, use regular leeks along with a bit of fresh garlic.

Makes an 8″ or 9″ Tart

Pre-baked pie shell (see below)
I prefer to use a glass pie dish because it gives a crisper crust. However, you can also use a 9” fluted 1 ¼” deep tart pan with a removable bottom.

Preheat oven to 375 F

½ lb. wild leeks (ramps) or 2 regular leeks well cleaned, trimmed and sliced, using the white parts only  (see below)
3 – 4 slices bacon, cut into ½” pieces
8 mushrooms
6 oz. Gruyere cheese, grated
½ tsp. salt
1/8 tsp. freshly ground pepper
Fresh herbs, chopped (tarragon would be nice as would thyme)


Creamo, eggs, salt & pepper

For an 8” Glass Pie Plate use: 2 cups creamo or 1 cup each whipping cream and homogenized milk and 4 eggs, beaten.

For a 9” Metal, Fluted Tart Pan use: 1 cup creamo or ½ cup each whipping cream and homogenized milk and 3 eggs, beaten.

Preheat oven to 375F.

Place bacon in a cold frying pan, place on medium heat; sauté until crisp. Remove, drain on paper towels. Drain off any accumulated fat. In the same pan sauté the ramps or leeks and garlic in a tablespoon or two of butter until softened then add the mushrooms and continue cooking until the mushrooms are slightly browned, being careful not to brown the ramps/leeks. Remove from heat, cool.

Whisk together the eggs and creamo or whipping cream and homogenized milk, add the fresh herbs, salt and pepper. Place half the grated cheese into pie shell along with the bacon, ramps and mushrooms, top with remaining cheese.  Bake for 30 – 45 minutes, checking after 30 minutes by inserting a thin bladed knife into the middle of the tart. If it is done, the knife will come out clean. Remove from the oven and let cool on a rack for 20 minutes before cutting.

Helpful link to Trimming & Cleaning Wild & Domestic Leeks

 And to Making Pie Dough.

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