Tag: Chocolate

Nanaimo Bars for Halloween
Baking and Sweet Endings

Halloween Nanaimo Bars

Ok,  hands up, who doesn’t like Nanaimo Bars???  Right, I didn’t think there was anyone!  I store them in the fridge or freezer so they are nice and cold.  They just seem better that way, at least as far as I’m concerned!  Here’s a discovery I made:  they don’t freeze solid!  Midnight cravings are calling! […]

Mocha Custards with Whipped Cream, Chocolate Shavings
Baking and Sweet Endings

Mocha Custards

Don’t you just love the combination of coffee and chocolate, I know I do! I like this dessert a lot because you can do it the day before and because it tastes good too! Makes 6 Servings ¾ cup sugar 8 large egg yolks 1 Tbsp. coffee liqueur ½ tsp. pure vanilla extract 3 cups […]