Tag: Florence

Blog Post Photo of Doorway Arch, Alba, Piedmont, Italy
My Stories

Our Never Ending Italian Learning Curve!

I definitely think I need an eyebrow make-over! Everyone seems to have amazing, immaculately groomed ones, even some of the guys! It seems that one simply has to have amazing eyebrows!  Wonder what the next fad to strike will be? All the research I did sussing out delicious regional foods while preparing for our first […]

Blog Post Photo Corzetti Pasta Stamps
My Stories


A while back I was reading blog about making Corzetti, a pasta shape that has been made since the middle ages. Well…once I clapped eyes on those beautiful disks of pasta imprinted with designs that reminded me of ancient coins, I just knew I “needed” to find those stamps and make the pasta! Here’s the […]

Blog Photo Post, Fascade, S. Maria Novella, Florence, Italy
My Stories

Lunch In Firenze

Our second morning in Florence a few years ago we visited the Mercato Centrale, a totally amazing place. The sight of the fabulous fruits and veggies on offer; it’s a cooks heaven! The selection of fish, meats, fresh pastas and breads was outstanding. There was a stall devoted to nothing but selling offal! The Mercato […]

View of Ponte Vecchio, Florence Italy, Looking Down the Arno
My Stories

Farewell to Firenze

Our fourth trip to Italy included Rome and Tuscany.  Tuscany was a bit poignant for us. We spent our first two weeks in Rome and were thrilled to be heading back to Tuscany where we had rented an apartment in Panzano in Chianti for two weeks but we also knew that it was unlikely we would return to this part of Italy again only because there are other […]

Blog Post Photo, Ristorante Da Delfina Plate
My Stories


Barbara Fairchild, former editor of Bon Appetit Magazine, wrote an editorial about summer eating and an appetizer she enjoyed when she was at Ristorante Da Delfina, in Tuscany “her favorite place on the planet.” When I read that comment I thought wow, us too! I sent her an email telling her so and said that […]