Tag: Italy

Blog Post Photo, Tuscany, White Wine on Wooden Outdoor Table, Photo also used in What Wine?
My Stories

Sometimes There’s A Friend

Sometimes we all gripe about Facebook gremlins or having to un-friend someone for some reason or the other.  Where situations arise where we are left unfortunate and unwelcome comments demanding that we delete that individual from our friends list.  Sadly, this does take place. But we also have a platform at our fingertips that enables us to connect […]

Blog Post Photo Corzetti Pasta Stamps
My Stories


A while back I was reading blog about making Corzetti, a pasta shape that has been made since the middle ages. Well…once I clapped eyes on those beautiful disks of pasta imprinted with designs that reminded me of ancient coins, I just knew I “needed” to find those stamps and make the pasta! Here’s the […]

Blog Post Photo, Il Frutteto Italian Soap display
My Stories

Why I Love Italian Packaging

Italians can’t seem to help themselves when it comes to packaging their products! It’s a design thing! I promised myself when we were in Italy a few months ago, there was no way we were hauling home dried pasta! But one day, near the end of our 2 week stay in Roma, we went to […]

Blog Photo Post, Showing The Last Touch, Gourmet Magazine Cover
My Stories

Gone But Not Forgotten!

As I write this I am looking at my pristine final issue of “Gourmet” the Magazine of Good Living from November 2009. And per usual, a crispy, brown roast turkey is on the front cover in time for American Thanksgiving tables. If you think I have come late to the party, well you might be right! This […]

Blog Post Photo, Trout Lake Farmers Market
My Stories

Off To The Market

To quote Mother Goose: “To market, to market, to buy a fat pig, Home again, home again, dancing a jig; To market, to market, to buy a fat hog; Home again, home again, jiggety-jog; To market, to market, to buy a plum bun, Home again, home again, market is done.” OK…so we neither bought the […]

Blog Post Photo, Lunch La Locanda di Pietraculpa, San Donato, Tuscany, Italy
My Stories

A Stroke of Luck

It’s our first Monday in paradise, aka. Chianti! Wonder what we’ll do today and especially, what’s for lunch?? Let’s just head towards Castellina in Chianti and check things out there, i.e. Enoteca Biologica on via c. Borgheri, where we bought some amazing Vin Santo a few years ago? The upshot being that the place seems […]

View from Mate Winery, Tuscany, Italy
My Stories

Near Montalcino – A Little Piece of Heaven

If we’d had a bucket list, a visit to the Mate` winery would have been on it! Our first introduction to Mr. Mate´ was through his utterly delightful, books about moving to and living in Tuscany; “The Hills of Tuscany” and “A Vineyard in Tuscany.” If you haven’t had the pleasure, treat yourself! I can’t […]

Blog Post Photo, Olives on Tree
My Stories

EVO, Salt And Other Musings

One of the many delights of traveling  around Italy is having many opportunities to taste wonderful Extra Virgin Olive Oil. I have a fondness for the oils of Umbria. They differ in taste from Tuscan oils. Both are delicious. I fell in love with and brought home, an oil from that year’s harvest referred to […]

Blog Post Photo Dario Cecchini & Phyllis, Panzano, Italy
My Stories

Butcher Love

A good friend recently pointed out to me that I always seem to make friends with butchers when we travel! Well…I hadn’t really thought about it but then again, I guess it’s true and considering we cook while on vacation, it’s a good thing. First it was “the butcher of Panzano” in Chianti, then the […]