Tag: Laurie Colwin

Blog Photo Post Laurie Colwin's Tomato Pie and Changes I Made
My Stories

Laurie Colwin’s Tomato Pie

Not too long ago my facebook friend Roz Coreri Paige posted that she had won a contest for her Italian style tomato pie, which brought to mind Laurie Colwin’s Tomato Pie that I have wanted to make for I can’t tell you how long, I just never quite got there! So I searched through my […]

Blog Photo Post, Showing The Last Touch, Gourmet Magazine Cover
My Stories

Gone But Not Forgotten!

As I write this I am looking at my pristine final issue of “Gourmet” the Magazine of Good Living from November 2009. And per usual, a crispy, brown roast turkey is on the front cover in time for American Thanksgiving tables. If you think I have come late to the party, well you might be right! This […]

Blog Post Photo Ravenhill Herb Farm
My Stories

Writers In The Kitchen

I like to pick up a copy of EAT MAGAZINE and read about new happenings in the foodie world, from restaurant openings to farms. So, it came as quite a shock when going through the July/August 2011 issue to read of the passing of a favorite author of mine. I first became aware of Noel […]