Tag: Pies

Blog Post Photo Showing Hampton Court Kitchen
My Stories

Sweet or Savory?

 Yes Please!  My mother was known to tell people that she could bake anything inside a pie crust and her family would love it! And my Russian mama definitely had that down right! Although…it may have had something to do with the fact that MOM WAS AN ABSOLUTELY AWESOME PIE MAKER! And I don’t care […]

Blog Post Photo, Search for Perfection & Rhubarb Pie
My Stories

The Search For Perfection

With all the fruit now appearing at the Farmer’s Market, it’s pie making time! Plums, apples, blueberries and more! Years ago, when I had just moved into my own place, I decided that it was time for me to make a blueberry pie. Well, why not. I had been successfully cooking things since I was […]

Homemade Strawberry-Rhubarb Pie on Cooling Rack
Baking and Sweet Endings

Strawberry Rhubarb Pie

Strawberries; those luscious, red, juicy, locally grown June berries demanding to become something wonderful. I used to make a jam that I called “Strubarb.” Strawberries and rhubarb, such a fabulous combination of flavours! Makes a 9” Pie Pastry for 2 crust pie  (see below) 3 cups fresh strawberries, halved 2 cups sliced rhubarb 1 ¼ […]

Nora's Pumpkin Pie, whipped Cream Garnish
Baking and Sweet Endings

Nora’s Pumpkin Pie

Our Mom, Nora was an awesome pie maker. Her daughters are always vying for “the just like Mom’s” award. Psst…I have Mom’s rolling pin and am convinced it has magical properties! Makes a 9” Pie 1 ½ cups tinned pumpkin (see below), not pumpkin pie filling ½ cup golden brown sugar 1 Tbsp. molasses ½ […]