Tag: Restaurants

Blog Post Inner Harbour, Victoria, B.C
My Stories

While Visiting Victoria

Last weekend we made a quick trip over to Vancouver Island.  It’s been about three years…far too long! Back in the day, before we really got the travel bug and when we still had a mortgage to pay off, we used to go over quite often.  Vancouver Island is very beautiful and if you get […]

Blog Post Photo, Portland, Oregon
My Stories

City Of Roses

We’ve been talking about driving down the road one day to visit Portland and we finally we made it! My driver decided he did not want to make 504 km (313 miles) drive that takes around 6 hours, depending on how “nice” the American Customs guys are at the moment! So…we booked seats on the […]

Blog Post Photo, Opening of Burdock & Co.
My Stories

Kudos, Vancouver, Part 3

  When close friends completed the project that they have been working so hard on, it’s such a pleasure to say “Well Done.” We can only give a big “thumbs up” to Burdock & Co. owners Andrea Carlson and her partner Kevin Bismanis.  They have created a restaurant that they should be very proud of.  […]

Blog Post Photo, The Crown Tavern, Clerkenwell, London, England
My Stories

Kudos Or Not, London, Part 2

If you happen to be in East London or Canterbury check out the Crown and Deeson’s.  We liked them both a lot.  They both serve well cooked English food, using local ingredients. One sunny morning, we headed to Smithfield and Clerkenwell, to have a wander and find a pub to have a nice lunch. The […]

Blog Photo Post, The Full English, No Beans London, England
My Stories

Kudos or Not, London, Part 1

We have never claimed to be restaurant critics! However, as the saying goes, we know what we like, so here are four restaurants/pubs that we would recommend if you are in London. We enjoyed two visits to the Harwood Arms. They‘re the only gastropub in London to have a Michelin star and are known for […]