Tag: Savoury Pies

Ligurian Swiss Chard Tart

Ligurian Swiss Chard Pie

I have Joyce Goldstein’s “Enoteca” book to thank for this excellent savoury tart that’s become a favourite at our house.  Use your favourite crust recipe or EVO crust if you’ve have one you like to use. The crust recipe given is one I like to use for many things, including this fabulous vegetarian “Springtime” pie. […]

Blog Post Photo Showing Hampton Court Kitchen
My Stories

Sweet or Savory?

 Yes Please!  My mother was known to tell people that she could bake anything inside a pie crust and her family would love it! And my Russian mama definitely had that down right! Although…it may have had something to do with the fact that MOM WAS AN ABSOLUTELY AWESOME PIE MAKER! And I don’t care […]

Tourtiere with Greens & Green Tomato Relish

My Tourtiere

We may not live in Quebec, but we love this fragrant savoury pie redolent with herbs and spices so much it’s become an absolute must at our house over Christmas!  I have revised, changed and added things over the years and it just keeps getting better and better. I’ve made the filling using a mixture […]