Tag: Stinging Nettles

Blog Photo Post Welcoming Spring. Gathering Stinging Nettles
My Stories

Welcoming Spring with Stinging Nettles

I received a Tuscan cookbook a few years ago from my husband, who, I am sure had no ulterior motives! I’ve been reading that Italians have a thing for wild spring greens. Foraging for them like crazy. Eating only root veggies all winter gets a bit tiresome so the new wild greens are most welcome […]

Bags of Nettles for Tart
Egg and Brunch Dishes

Stinging Nettles Tart

Stinging Nettles have become one of the very welcome early “greens” of spring.  Foragers and cooks alike look forward to the many ways they can be used. Making this tart seems the right thing to do and excellent it is! Makes an 8″ or 9″ Tart Pre-baked pie shell  (see below) I prefer to use […]