Tag: Sweet Yeast Dough

Walnut Cinnamon Buns, Walnut, Brown Sugar Topping
Baking and Sweet Endings

Walnut Cinnamon Buns

Now I ask you, who doesn’t like a warm sticky cinnamon bun? It only takes a short time to put together the dough and then it’s just a quick matter to put together the filling and the mixture for the bottom of the pan that becomes the topping of the buns when turned out of […]

Baked Loaf of Food Processor Brioche
Baking and Sweet Endings

Food Processor Brioche

I adore brioche. There are croissants and then there’s brioche! If you are a little wary of baking with yeast, this dough is for you, all that’s required is a food processor. Brioche is a sweet dough and is wonderful lightly toasted with jam or whatever you choose. I made a delicious shrimp salad sandwich […]