Tag: Vancouver Farmer’s Markets

Metal Platter Filled with Local Purple Grapes & Leaves
Baking and Sweet Endings

Crunchy Top Grape Muffins

For the past couple of years, in the fall, I’ve been making lovely little Coronation-Vin Santo grape cakes for dessert.  And while doing a freezer tidy-up recently, I found a small bag of the grapes tucked away. Hmmm…well I don’t have enough to make the cakes but maybe I could turn them into muffins and […]

Blog Post Photo Showing Parsnips, Beets, Potatoes, Carrots
My Stories

Not Parsnips Again??

“Winter” is definitely the key word here! Last weekend we made an unusually short foray to Riley Park where our Winter Farmer’s Market is held each Saturday.  Seems like at this time of year it’s short rations for local veggies…so the trips are short ones! Eating seasonally is a very good thing.  Fresh, local food, […]

Eggplant Timballo

Eggplant Timballo

When it’s eggplant season…and they look so gorgeous, well you just have to cook something with them!  There’s Timballo, Eggplant Parmigiana, Pasta alla Norma, or even cubed up, sautéed and tossed on to a pizza. And those are only my Italian favourites. Middle Eastern eggplant preparations ring all my bells too! Makes About 6 Servings […]

3 Cabbage Rolls, Sour Cream Garnish, White Bowl

Phyllis’ Cabbage Rolls

Makes a roasting pan full! And would be great as part of a casual potluck or a buffet! Cabbage Rolls hold a very special place in my heart. I’m not sure where Mom got her recipe, probably from someone in her family. I have adapted her original recipe with a couple of my own ideas […]

Scandinavian Apple Cake
Baking and Sweet Endings

Scandinavian Apple Cake

As both my hubby and I are of Scandinavian descent, this cake most definitely in our lane!  It’s lovely to look at and absolutely delicious to eat and has been given the 2 thumbs up by our good friend Chef Andrea Carlson the owner of Burdock and Co. here in Vancouver and a recent recipient […]

Blog Photo Post Bush of Blueberries
My Stories

They Call it the Blues

Here at #5 the kitchen is bursting with blueberries! The Gelderman family has come through yet again with another outstanding crop of berries and there are more to come next weekend. They grow two types of blueberries, one harvested in July and the other in August. Both are great but we find the August berries […]