Tag: Vancouver

Blog Photo Post Welcoming Spring. Gathering Stinging Nettles
My Stories

Welcoming Spring with Stinging Nettles

I received a Tuscan cookbook a few years ago from my husband, who, I am sure had no ulterior motives! I’ve been reading that Italians have a thing for wild spring greens. Foraging for them like crazy. Eating only root veggies all winter gets a bit tiresome so the new wild greens are most welcome […]

Blog Post Photo, Hersham Kitchen
My Stories

So You Don’t Have The Perfect Kitchen

I certainly don’t!  And no…this is not a photo of our kitchen but it is the kitchen where I began learning to cook!  It looks pretty sad now but back in the day… Let’s talk reality. We probably won’t have the “great” kitchen unless our lotto numbers come up and we move!  My dad once told me that […]

Blog Post Photo on Gardening, Seedlings
My Stories

A Gardener’s Hope

Or, maybe it should be “a hope and a prayer”… The radish seeds I planted are up as of yesterday!  So I’m feeling pretty positive! I’ve been thinking about the planting of seeds lately. It seems to me that gardeners are people whose  wine glasses are half full and are people full of hope for […]

Chicken Thighs Braised with Artichokes, Peas & Small Onions

Dreaming of Spring Chicken

Sure it’s not quite spring but I was doing freezer inventory and found a few things that should be used up. Now that the tarragon and chives have appeared in the garden. a sure sign that spring is just around the corner. I used chicken thighs because I had them but use whatever chicken pieces […]

Blog Post Photo, Cover of First Italian Cookbook
My Stories

You’ve Come a Long Way Baby!

I have been totally consumed by recipe searches and cooking for a very long time! Except for a time out to get my Interior Decorating Diploma, something I’d wanted to do since I was in high school, my passion for cooking has always been at the fore. The baking thing all started when I was […]

Homemade Whole Wheat Buttermilk Biscuits
My Stories

Baking Powder Biscuits

Or what every child should be taught to make! I was in grade 7 taking Home Ec when I made them for the first time.  At the time I’d never have guessed in a million years how to make biscuits would become in my repertoire.  That simple recipe has served both myself and many others well […]

Recipe for Panko Crumbed Fish, Sriracha Mayo
Appetizers, Mains

Phyllis’ Fish

Do you, like us, end up buying a box of Panko crumbs from Costco that seems like a lifetime supply?  Then…you will totally get our obsession to use them! We were in the mood for some Chinese Shiitake fried rice last night and really craving some fish to go with it. We picked up some […]