Tag: Vancouver

Basket with Homegrown Italian Plum Tomatoes & Cod With Tomatoes & Tomato Mozz. Police
My Stories

Tomato Fresh Mozzarella Salad Police

I may have mentioned in my writings that I adore tomatoes!   The bounty of summer at it’s best! It’s the dead of winter now and that often brings getting together with food friends.  Recently at a get-together lunch recently where I saw on the  menu Tomato Bocconcini salad.  I could almost feel my blood pressure […]

Blog Post Photo. Recommending Victoria De Maio's Book on Travel Tips.
My Stories

Are You Travelling To Italy?

This is my very first book review and I have a great reason for that! I have a high regard for Victoria De Maio’s travel knowledge and she has written her first book, “Victoria’s Travel TipZ Italian Style” which I am delighted to recommend to you. Victoria’s humour filled personal experiences, expertise and tips make […]

My Stollen With Almond Paste
Baking and Sweet Endings

“German” Stollen

Making this bread is a tradition and a treat to enjoy on Christmas morning, with coffee, sitting up in bed opening Christmas stockings! It’s not difficult to make and while things are rising, you can decorate your house! For years I’d made two Stollen for the parents of a very good friend.  They were all […]

Blog Post Photo, Candied fruit, Campo de Fiore, Rome, Italy
My Stories

Woes of a Modern Day Baker

Us bakers are gearing up to get baking our Christmas goodies! Aah…I can smell those mince tarts right now! Every time one of my recipes specifies candied fruit I feel so annoyed with what we have available to us here! All we can get these days, at least at retail level, are the chopped up […]

Yummy Butter Tart Squares
Baking and Sweet Endings

Butter Tart Squares

You just have to love butter tarts and it seems everyone’s Mom made the best!  This is a much quicker way to get your “butter tart hit”. Not tarts, just baked in a 9” square pan. My mom always used currants when she made her butter tarts, so I have used them here. You could […]

Blog Post Photo, Beginning to Make Soup
My Stories

“Scrap” Soup

Or…what do you do when you walk into the butcher shop and staring back at you is a great deal on pork neck bones? My chef/neighbour knows exactly what to do and has been making pork broth for Asian noodle soups for her restaurant and who doesn’t love noodle soup? So we too follow her […]

Blog Post Photo Red Transistor Radio
My Stories

Radio Kids

Being a child of the ‘50’s and ‘60’s, I grew up on radio. I remember distinctly when transistor radios were the hot new technology and us teens just had to have one glued to our ears…remember when there were no ear buds? Yup!! My San Diego cousin and I would mail our favourite radio station’s […]