Tag: YVR

Blog Post Photo Showing Parsnips, Beets, Potatoes, Carrots
My Stories

Not Parsnips Again??

“Winter” is definitely the key word here! Last weekend we made an unusually short foray to Riley Park where our Winter Farmer’s Market is held each Saturday.  Seems like at this time of year it’s short rations for local veggies…so the trips are short ones! Eating seasonally is a very good thing.  Fresh, local food, […]

Blog Post Photo of Doorway Arch, Alba, Piedmont, Italy
My Stories

Our Never Ending Italian Learning Curve!

I definitely think I need an eyebrow make-over! Everyone seems to have amazing, immaculately groomed ones, even some of the guys! It seems that one simply has to have amazing eyebrows!  Wonder what the next fad to strike will be? All the research I did sussing out delicious regional foods while preparing for our first […]

Blog Post Photo, Flaming Christmas Pudding
My Stories

Christmas at Number 5

Just a quick little post to show off our lovely “pot-luck” Christmas dinner! Christmas is about sharing with family but also being with good friends, so it was a pleasure to spend the evening with Andrea and Kevin.  Kevin decided it would be an excellent idea if he were to roast a prime rib using […]

Blog Post Photo for Pasta Rules & For Official Bolognese Sauce & Ragu Bolognese
My Stories

Pasta Rules!

I’m beginning to wonder if there’s something wrong with me!  Here’s why… An article I was recently reading in a local magazine included a photo not unlike this one, minus the basil leaf, of white spaghetti topped with a huge dollop of tomato sauce. And as soon as I saw it I had a visceral […]

Greek Butter Cookies with Cloves
Baking and Sweet Endings

Greek Butter Cookies

Getting a “leg-up” on my Christmas baking by starting with these buttery little morsels that have just a hint of anise flavour. They’re good keepers and freeze well!  You can use either blanched or unblanched almonds to make the cookies.  I’ve been baking these off and on for over 40 years…the original recipe is taped […]

Zucchini, Corn Gratin, White Baking Dish
Mains, Vegetables and Side Dishes

End of Summer Zucchini Gratin

We’ve headed into fall and the remaining Romanesco zucchini need to be used…now what? I’d pretty much run through the  “zucchini repertoire” so I needed to come up with something for dinner.  There’s leftover barbecued corn from the night before…hmmm.   Kind of macaroni and cheese without the macaroni using zucchini and corn instead! We made […]

Eggplant Timballo

Eggplant Timballo

When it’s eggplant season…and they look so gorgeous, well you just have to cook something with them!  There’s Timballo, Eggplant Parmigiana, Pasta alla Norma, or even cubed up, sautéed and tossed on to a pizza. And those are only my Italian favourites. Middle Eastern eggplant preparations ring all my bells too! Makes About 6 Servings […]

Jar of Tomato-Apricot Chutney
My Stories

How To Be Your Own Worst Enemy

Who me? All it takes is a visit to Trout Lake Farmer’s Market on a lovely Saturday morning in July/August and we are now loaded us down with pounds of plum tomatoes among other goodies. I’ve been saying, over the past few months, or rather my husband has been banging on about how I need […]