Tag: YVR

Tourtiere with Greens & Green Tomato Relish

My Tourtiere

We may not live in Quebec, but we love this fragrant savoury pie redolent with herbs and spices so much it’s become an absolute must at our house over Christmas!  I have revised, changed and added things over the years and it just keeps getting better and better. I’ve made the filling using a mixture […]

Blog Post Photo, Cherry Tree in Bloom
My Stories

Escape Hatch

“A Change Is Gonna Come.”   Aah!  Nothing like listening to a little Otis Redding!  Some of us of “boomers”, you know the group, where 60 is the new 40, are on a mission; that’s to create the next chapter of our lives. We’ve  watched our parents’ age and here’s a little secret, while they were […]

White Serving Bowl with Red Wine Poached Pears & Recipe for Red Wine Poached Pears
Baking and Sweet Endings

Spiced Red Wine Poached Pears

Saturday mornings in late October and November means a trip to Riley Park Farmer’s Market in search of seasonal fruits and vegetables. The colours are awesome! With a backdrop of the Coast Mountains and occasionally having received a snowfall, it’s simply gorgeous!  I’ve always poached pears in white wine, but decided to change things using […]

Nanaimo Bars for Halloween
Baking and Sweet Endings

Halloween Nanaimo Bars

Ok,  hands up, who doesn’t like Nanaimo Bars???  Right, I didn’t think there was anyone!  I store them in the fridge or freezer so they are nice and cold.  They just seem better that way, at least as far as I’m concerned!  Here’s a discovery I made:  they don’t freeze solid!  Midnight cravings are calling! […]

Honey Pear Crostini, Melted Brie, Glass of White Wine

Honey Pear Crostini With Melted Brie

Simply wonderful combination of flavours in this a delicious fall appetizer. Local pears, some fresh rosemary and a bit of melted brie. I make a stash of the Honey Pear Preserves to have on hand for a quick appetizer. 1 baguette 3 Tbsp. EVOO 4 cloves garlic, minced 1 tsp. chopped fresh rosemary 8 oz. […]